Curriculum vitae

Born 26. 5. 1944 in Prague

1958-1962: Industrial School of Graphic Arts in Prague
1963-1966: photographer at Barrandov Film Studios
1966-1972: FAMU (Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts), Prague
1972-current: freelancer

The artist´s photographs are represented in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, as well as in Czech and international private collections.


1969 – Prix de Clotylde Copée – Brussels
1987 – De Verbeelding Gallery – Amsterdam
1989 – Canon Gallery – Amsterdam
1989 – WCPP Rochester – USA
1990 – AD Art Gallery – Vienna
1991 – Fürstenfeld City Gallery, Austria
1992 – Vision Gallery San Francisco – USA
1993 – De Verbeelding Gallery – Amsterdam
1998 – Het Portreet Gallery – Amsterdam
1998 – Nový Svět Gallery – Prague
1998 – Palo Alto Photogallery – USA
1999 – PEP + No Name Gallery – Basel
2001 – Ambrosiana Gallery – Brno
2006 – Aventinum Gallery – Prague
2007 – Noorderlicht Gallery – Groningen
2007 – PEP + No Name Gallery – Basel
2008 – Czech Centre – Sophia
2008 – Ars Pragensis – Prague
2009 – National Museum of Photography –Jindřichův Hradec
2009 – Godert Walter Gallery – Groningen
2015 – ARTKUNST Gallery Prague
2018 – ARTKUNST Gallery Prague

In 2006, Jiří Stach was awarded the "Personality of Czech Photography" prize by the Association of Czech Photographers.

In the same year, "Natura Magica", his book of photographs and drawings, was published by Nový Svět publishing house. The Photography magazine named it "The Best Photographic Publication of the Year“.

In 2008, the publishing house Meander published a fairy tale "Velká cesta malého pána" (The Little Master's Great Journey) with Jiří Stach´s illustrations.

Jiří Stach also illustrated the following books:

"Pinhole blues Jiřího Stacha“(Jiří Stach´s Pinhole Blues) – photographs and an interview with Karel Hvížďala
"Chodit po provaze je snadné“ (Walking a Tightrope is Easy) – collection of poems by Ivan Wernisch
"Mrkev ho vcucla pod zem“ (The Carrot Sucked Him Under the Ground) by Petr Stančík
"Dědeček“ (The Grandpa) by Tomáš Zahrádka
"Plop“ (Plop) by Ivan Wernisch
"Podivuhodné zvěsti neboli koniny“ (Strange Rumours or Malarkey) by Aristotle
"Pojecia podstawowe“ (Basic Concepts) by Petr Král
"Věta jako povolání“ (Sentence as a Profession) by Karel Hvížďala